Featured Motion 312 News Section 223

Woodworth on Personhood

Commentary by Jane Richard, President of KW Right to Life Under tight police security November 14, 2013 at the University of Waterloo Stephen Woodworth MP Kitchener Centre spoke about; “The importance of the legal principle which requires recognition of the equal worth and dignity of every human being and the implication of Parliament’s abandonment of […]

Featured Motion 312 News Section 223

Motion 312 Second Reading – Listen to Debate

Click below to download or listen to MP3 audio of the September 21 second reading debate in the House of Commons of Motion 312: Motion 312 – Second Reading – September 21, 2012 (MP3, 29.6 MB, 1h3m9s) 

Motion 312 Section 223

Stephen Woodworth speaking at Waterloo Pentecostal Assembly on May 22

Stephen Woodworth (MP – Kitchener Centre) Tuesday, May 22 at 8:00pm in the Sanctuary Waterloo Pentecostal Assembly, 395 King St. N., Waterloo Stephen will speak about his Motion 312 calling for an investigation of the outdated Personhood Law (Criminal Code Section 223) in relation to current medical scientific evidence. Refreshments will be served. Presented by […]

Featured Motion 312 Section 223

Motion 312 Debate – Watch, Listen, or Read

Video of Motion 312 Debate – Opening speeches only: Click below to download or listen to MP3 audio of the April 26 debate in the House of Commons of Motion 312: Motion 312 Debate – Opening Speeches Only – April 26, 2012 (MP3, 19:53, 19.1 MB) Motion 312 Debate – Full Hour of Debate – […]

Motion 312 Section 223

Stephen Woodworth Speaking in Waterloo and St. Clement’s

Stephen Woodworth MP Kitchener Centre will speak about his Motion 312, which calls for an investigation of the outdated Personhood Law (Criminal Code Section 223) in relation to current medical and scientific evidence on: Tuesday, April 17 – 7 p.m. – St. Clement’s Church, 3619 Lobsinger Line, St. Clement. Refreshments to follow in Parish Hall. […]

Motion 312 Section 223

Interview with Stephen Woodworth on Priests for Life Radio

Listen by clicking here: Stephen Woodworth – March 6th Priests for Life Radio [MP3, 8 MB]

Action Motion 312 Section 223

Stephen Woodworth MP – Speaking in KW in March

Stephen Woodworth (MP Kitchener-Centre) will speak about his Motion 312, which calls for an investigation of Canada’s outdated personhood law (Criminal Code Section 223) in relation to current scientific evidence. Monday, March 19, 2012 – 7 p.m. – University of Waterloo – UPDATED LOCATION: RCH 301 – Room 301 of the J.R. Coutts Engineering Lecture […]

Action Featured Motion 312 Section 223

Petition in Support of Motion 312

Here is Stephen Woodworth’s petition. The more official print version of the Petition in Support of Motion 312 [PDF] can be printed out. Acquire 25 signatures with the signers’ city and province. It can be submitted to your local Member of Parliament. There is also a less official Online Petition in Support of Motion 312 […]

Action Motion 312 Section 223

Write your MP today

KW Right to Life expresses great hope and determination to support the motion of Stephen Woodworth MP (Kitchener Centre). An old Law 223(1) that states a child is not a person until the moment of complete birth and how that interpretation relates to current medical and scientific evidence needs to be examined. We are under […]

Letters Motion 312 Section 223

Letter from CWL President Mary Alice Zister

February 2012 My mother used to tell about a young man who became a priest. She knew his great- grandmother who had a baby out of wedlock.  Mom mused that had her friend had an abortion at her lowest moment that young priest, his grandparents, parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins would never have been born. […]