Action Motion 312 Section 223

Write your MP today

KW Right to Life expresses great hope and determination to support the motion of Stephen Woodworth MP (Kitchener Centre). An old Law 223(1) that states a child is not a person until the moment of complete birth and how that interpretation relates to current medical and scientific evidence needs to be examined.

We are under no illusion that there will be an immediate law to make abortion illegal, in particular the first trimester, however this motion sets a precedent for getting to the fundamental principle of whether or not a preborn child is a person that has implications for the protection of life beyond the womb.

We encourage supporters to write the Prime Minister at [email protected] and their local MP’s, [email protected] and [email protected] to vote in favour of the motion this coming June. Discussion for the motion begins in March and again in June before the vote. Please thank Stephen Woodworth, [email protected] for this much needed motion.

If it passes, the task will be finding proof that indeed the child in the womb should have rightful claim to personhood. We pray. We act.

Jane Richard
KW Right to Life President