
KW Right to Life Prayer Vigil January 28, 2017

About 70 people attended the KW Right to Life Candle-Light Prayer Vigil on January 28th, 2017 in the cold damp evening …..  … pray and remember the millions of babies lost to abortion in Canada since the abortion law was struck down in 1988 leaving abortion on demand. Sixty people walked and prayed holding candles […]


Order Sculpture – Angel Mourning by Timothy P. Schmaltz

The loss of an aborted baby is gripping and this sculpture allows one to place a card, letter or flowers in the empty crib. $60. Email [email protected] or call 519-746-5433 to order.


Dr. Hart Bezner on Abortion

Abortion probably divides individuals more deeply than any other issue. Any discussion of the matter invariably leads to philosophical speculation about the meaning of life and death, free will, and individual worth. How people respond to such speculation is greatly influenced by their religious orientations. Abortion, at its deepest level, is a religious issue. The […]

Featured News

A Message of Hope

Centre stage for 2012 was Motion 312. Stephen Woodworth MP challenged the medical and scientific Canadian community and parliament to examine an old law that states an unborn child is not a human being until the moment of complete birth. A brilliant approach that can’t easily be dismissed even if only 1/3rd MP’s voted in […]

Featured Motion 312

40th Anniversary Dinner – Sat Nov 10

Saturday, November 10th, 2012 Schwaben Club, 1668 King Street East, Kitchener Cocktails at 5:00pm, Dinner at 6:00pm, Silent Auction Tickets: $35 For tickets or more information, call 519-746-5433. Guest Speakers: Jonathan Van Meran, Communications Director, Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform (CCBR) Simon Walley, Project Manager, Matercare International Stephen Woodworth, MP (Kitchener-Centre) Download the poster: KWRTL […]

Featured Motion 312 News Section 223

Motion 312 Second Reading – Listen to Debate

Click below to download or listen to MP3 audio of the September 21 second reading debate in the House of Commons of Motion 312: Motion 312 – Second Reading – September 21, 2012 (MP3, 29.6 MB, 1h3m9s) 


Calendar of Upcoming Pro-Life Events

Candle-Light Prayer Vigil 2016 (3)

Action Featured

Memorial Day – Sunday, September 30

We mourn the loss of over 3 1/2 million children aborted in Canada since 1970 Sunday, September 30th, 2012 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. In front of Grand River Hospital, 835 King Street West, Kitchener Bring your family and friends and hold a sign along King Street in silent prayer. A short memorial service […]


We Need a Law

Canada has no abortion laws. Canada is the only country in the western world without abortion legislation. Only China and North Korea are in our company. The mission of is to build a groundswell of support from across Canada for abortion legislation.

Motion 312 Section 223

Stephen Woodworth speaking at Waterloo Pentecostal Assembly on May 22

Stephen Woodworth (MP – Kitchener Centre) Tuesday, May 22 at 8:00pm in the Sanctuary Waterloo Pentecostal Assembly, 395 King St. N., Waterloo Stephen will speak about his Motion 312 calling for an investigation of the outdated Personhood Law (Criminal Code Section 223) in relation to current medical scientific evidence. Refreshments will be served. Presented by […]