About 70 people attended the KW Right to Life Candle-Light Prayer Vigil on January 28th, 2017 in the cold damp evening ….. …..to pray and remember the millions of babies lost to abortion in Canada since the abortion law was struck down in 1988 leaving abortion on demand. Sixty people walked and prayed holding candles […]
Category: Action
A full house (about 120) for the KW RTL sponsored STOP SENSORSHIP TOUR Why Statistics Matter on January 14th 2017, K of C Hall Waterloo. They are visiting 9 cities and towns this month in Ontario. Mike Schouten from WeNeedaLaw.ca and John Sikkema, a lawyer from ARPA along with blogger Patricia Maloney are taking the […]

34th Annual Walk for Life Saturday, May 4, 2013 Registration at 10 a.m. St. Michael’s RC Church, 240 Hemlock Street, Waterloo (across WLU on University Avenue) Every $50 pledged will receive a chance for a $150 gift certificate from McPhail’s. Prizes, draws, free balloons, good food. Meet old and new friends. Print out a sponsor […]
Pro-lifers in the Kitchener-Waterloo areas will now have an exciting new way to engage our culture on the topic of abortion. KW & Area Right to Life Association is starting up a project called “Choice” Chain in our city which will run on a regular basis. I’m hoping you will come out to the training and spread […]
25 YEARS WITHOUT A LAW – On January 28th, 1988, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down all legalabortion restrictions. Join us for prayer, fellowship, and learning on Monday, January 28, 2013 in Kitchener. Monday, January 28, 2013 7 p.m. – Public prayer vigil – Kitchener City Hall (front, by skating rink) Followed by refreshments and […]

Our next 40 DAYS FOR LIFE campaign will start THIS September 26th – November 4th. Our community will be 1 of 10 Canadian cities – plus 242 other cities throughout the USA and Europe – joining together for the largest and longest coordinated pro-life mobilization in history – the 40 Days for Life campaign. 40 […]
We mourn the loss of over 3 1/2 million children aborted in Canada since 1970 Sunday, September 30th, 2012 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. In front of Grand River Hospital, 835 King Street West, Kitchener Bring your family and friends and hold a sign along King Street in silent prayer. A short memorial service […]
Stephen Woodworth (MP Kitchener-Centre) will speak about his Motion 312, which calls for an investigation of Canada’s outdated personhood law (Criminal Code Section 223) in relation to current scientific evidence. Monday, March 19, 2012 – 7 p.m. – University of Waterloo – UPDATED LOCATION: RCH 301 – Room 301 of the J.R. Coutts Engineering Lecture […]

Here is Stephen Woodworth’s petition. The more official print version of the Petition in Support of Motion 312 [PDF] can be printed out. Acquire 25 signatures with the signers’ city and province. It can be submitted to your local Member of Parliament. There is also a less official Online Petition in Support of Motion 312 […]
Write your MP today
KW Right to Life expresses great hope and determination to support the motion of Stephen Woodworth MP (Kitchener Centre). An old Law 223(1) that states a child is not a person until the moment of complete birth and how that interpretation relates to current medical and scientific evidence needs to be examined. We are under […]