
Please call the KW Right to Life Kitchener Office 519.746.5433 for referrals to the Service Agencies that are available to you to help you with your pregnancy. Below are Birthright and Marillac Place.


Call KW Right to Life for support on how you can make a good choice for the baby and you.

We want to hear from you. Maybe we can help. 519.746.LIFE 5433 [email protected]

A home for you when you become pregnant:

Marillac Place 109 Young St. Kitchener  Call 519.571.3772

Marillac Place offers safe housing to women between the ages of sixteen and twenty-five who are pregnant or who have their child or children in their care, or who are attempting to regain care of their child or children.

A 10 week old baby in the womb.


KW Right to Life is an educational prolife non profit charity, one of hundreds of like groups across Canada. We promote the value of human Life from conception to natural death. 

We believe in freedom of speech, religion and conscience and the fundamental right upon which all other rights depend, the Right to Life. We accept the “Supremacy of God” as Canada’s founding principle of absolute truth stated in the preamble to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms:

In the Canadian Bill of Rights the protection of moral and spiritual values is based on the supremacy of God, the dignity and worth of the human person and the position of the family. In the Canadian Bill of Rights, we find the right of the individual to life, liberty and security of the person. (In that order)

This fundamental right is not being applied evenly. It does not include babies in the womb. The law that governs this time honoured recognition continues to veer toward a widespread secular approach where people become their own moral agent in life and death decisions.

 WHAT IS REALITYThe Sun rises in the morning. It appears like it does. Is it real or is it giving the appearance of reality?  Its appearance is subjective. The reality that the earth is moving, not the sun is objective reality.

Subjective truth has taken precedence over objective truth. Objective truth determines reality.

 i.e. in the human geno the preborn child is a living organism. Is it a human organism?  DNA sequences map for characteristics

Is it unique?

Is the preborn child survivable? – If allowed to grow it becomes a free and loving soul.

Ronald Rolheiser wrote: ‘Reality is gracious, forgiving, loving, redeeming and absolutely trustworthy. Our task is to surrender to that.’

Viedeo below: The Birds and the Bees