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February 23: “Choice” Chain Project is Coming to KW!

Pro-lifers in the Kitchener-Waterloo areas will now have an exciting new way to engage our culture on the topic of abortion. KW & Area Right to Life Association is starting up a project called “Choice” Chain in our city which will run on a regular basis. I’m hoping you will come out to the training and spread the word on this great initiative.

The project is designed to engage people who normally wouldn’t go out of their way to hear the pro-life message. Volunteers hold 3′ x 4′ signs that show images of children who have been killed by abortion and ultrasound images of living children at the same ages. The signs are displayed in public areas, such as sidewalks, where the volunteers can talk to people about the injustice of abortion. Check out this clip to see the positive impact “Choice” Chain can have!

More information about the project can be found on the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform’s (CCBR) website here. All volunteers must receive training in pro-life apologetics (how to converse effectively about abortion), the reasons we use this particular project and strategy, and project protocol. KW & Area Right to Life Association will be hosting this training by CCBR this month.

Date: Saturday, February 23, 2013 – OLD EVENT
Training: 9am- 12pm
Demonstration: 1 – 2pm
Location: St Aloysius Parish, 11 Traynor Ave., Kitchener
View/Download the poster here: Poster for Choice Chain Training on Feb 23 [PDF]

After the training, there will be a short lunch break and then an opportunity to participate in the project and put that training to work! At 1:00pm we will meet in a public location (corner of Fairway Rd and Wilson Ave) for “Choice” Chain, which will run until 2:00pm.

We encourage you to come to the training even if you are undecided about participating in “Choice” Chain. This is a great way to save lives and change minds and hearts about abortion.

Also, as the use of graphic imagery is somewhat controversial in the pro-life movement, I encourage you to read this article entitled, “Why graphic images need to be displayed: from the woman who took the photos” addressing some common objections.

Thanks for your consideration and for all you do for life.