Letters Motion 312 Section 223

Call to Action from William Zister

In these difficult economic times I am convinced we would be much better off without abortion. We would have more people and more jobs would be needed, more people to do those jobs, more people to pay taxes and to contribute to society as a whole. There would likely be a lot less unemployment. We […]

Letters Motion 312 Section 223

Letter to Editor from Chris Howell

Published on February 7, 2012 in The Record I am astounded by a country that says a child is not a person until they’re born. The whole issue really hit home on Jan. 22 when I helped deliver my baby girl. Holding her just out of my wife’s womb, she was the most perfect, most […]

Letters Motion 312 Section 223

Letter from Christine Runstedtler to Prime Minister Harper

Dear Mr. Harper I strongly support Mr. Woodworth’s initiative regarding the personhood law, Section 223 (1), given current medical and scientific research. It is indeed telling that even the old law still on the books refers to the child’s becoming a human being. This is reminiscent of slaves’ being recognized as human beings in the […]

Letters Motion 312 Section 223

Letter from Dr. Clare Beingessner to Prime Minister Harper

R.H. Stephen Harper, This communication is to inform you that I strongly endorse MP Stephen Woodworth’s initiative to revisit Canada’s outdated personhood laws. To me it is criminal that in the 21st Century, where we have a deep understanding of the science of when human life begins, this country not only supports but condones the […]

Motion 312 News Section 223

Presentation by Stephen Woodworth, MP (Kitchener-Centre)

Stephen Woodworth, MP (Kitchener-Centre) explains why arbitrarily defining who counts as a legal person is unreasonable, unjust, and dangerous. Recorded on Saturday, January 28, 2012 at St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.


Prayer Vigil – Saturday, January 28, 2012

24 Years Without a Law On January 28th, 1988, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down all legal abortion restrictions. Join us on Saturday, January 28, 2012: 7pm – In front of Kitchener City Hall (skating rink) 7:30 pm to 8pm – Walk a short distance to St. Mary’s Church (Duke St) for speaker & […]

Letters Motion 312 Section 223

Letter to Editor from Alex Matan

Published on December 30, 2012 in The Record Re: Let’s talk about the rights of the unborn child — Dec 23 Consider this: Five seconds after a child emerges into the world, she has the same legal rights as any other kid. Five seconds before she emerges, she can be legally killed by a lethal […]


Memorial Day – October 2, 2011

We mourn the loss of over 3 1/2 million children aborted  in Canada since 1970  Sunday October 2nd 2011  2pm-3pm In front of Grand River Hospital King St. Bring your family, friends, and hold a sign along King St. in silent prayer A short memorial service will be held at 2:50pm at the memorial site […]


It’s a double crime

The RECORD Article – June 18, 2011 Our research shows at least five pregnant women in Canada have been killed in the past few years, with convictions of one count of murder each. A woman who was pregnant was killed in Kitchener recently. The Canadian Criminal Code states that a fetus is a “human being” […]