Letters Motion 312 Section 223

Letter from Dr. Clare Beingessner to Prime Minister Harper

R.H. Stephen Harper,

This communication is to inform you that I strongly endorse MP Stephen Woodworth’s initiative to revisit Canada’s outdated personhood laws. To me it is criminal that in the 21st Century, where we have a deep understanding of the science of when human life begins, this country not only supports but condones the killing of unborn human beings. Not only is the abomination of abortion morally wrong by any reasonable standard but it is highly offensive to me that a portion of my tax dollars are funding this heinous process in our hospitals.

I have been a strong supporter of the Conservative Government for many years and truly hope that Mr. Woodworth’s initiative will be acted on by your government.

Sincerely yours,
Dr. Clare J. Beingessner, KGCHS, PhD, FASM, PEng.
Waterloo, Ontario