Letters Motion 312 Section 223

Call to Action from William Zister

In these difficult economic times I am convinced we would be much better off without abortion. We would have more people and more jobs would be needed, more people to do those jobs, more people to pay taxes and to contribute to society as a whole. There would likely be a lot less unemployment. We have tampered with the balance of nature and the economy and with God’s gift of life and are suffering the consequences.

We have lost generations of people, workers, scientists, educators, etc. There is nothing more wonderful in this world than holding a new life in one’s arms. Why are we afraid of them?

Steve Woodworth, a local MP, has finally done what we have all wanted someone in government to do and he needs our support. Let us show our thanks to Steve for his motion to examine the outdated personhood law, Section 223 (1) that was brought into existence three hundred and sixty eight years ago!

Now is the time for us to act.  Contact your MP and the Prime Minister. It’s as simple as that.

With respect for life,


Wm. G. Zister
Past President
Holy Name Society (now defunct), St. Teresa Parish, Kitchener