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A Message of Hope

Centre stage for 2012 was Motion 312. Stephen Woodworth MP challenged the medical and scientific Canadian community and parliament to examine an old law that states an unborn child is not a human being until the moment of complete birth. A brilliant approach that can’t easily be dismissed even if only 1/3rd MP’s voted in favour of it.

It provided fuel for a resurgence in energy for the entire prolife movement in Canada. KW Right to Life worked hard to get the word out locally and across Canada. With 14 presentations regarding the motion and much communication among prolife groups we supported Motion 312 with everything we had and encouraged others to do the same.

We tried again this year for the second time in 8 years to unite through advertising 5 major prolife groups across Canada . The hope was to create a clear unified message to enhance awareness that would produce a greater respect for the value of preborn children and life at all stages. Unfortunately, again the talks broke down as some of the groups were unwilling to work
toward a strategy. It was disappointing as the Canadian prolife movement has become competitive.
Our hope, however lies with the youth within our ranks. We anticipate their clear thinking leadership to move the prolife cause forward In a unified fashion that will in turn accelerate change regarding public opinion of abortion. There is much work to do inside and outside the movement.

Local events were well attended this year with nearly 200 at our Life Chain Memorial and exposure to thousands attending the local Roseville National Plowing Match. Our regular Walk for Life, Prayer Vigils and local 40 days for Life were also well attended. Office work is demanding and we counsel over 30 women monthly who are seeking abortion along with more than 40 requests for information.

We wish to thank all of our prayer and financial supporters and volunteers who have allowed us to stay in operation over the last 40 years.

Our 40th Anniversary Dinner Nov. 10th was a smashing success. One hundred sixty people enjoyed great ambiance and shared 40 years of experience in the company of great people. Over the years by a single voice, thousands of local pro-life people have worked diligently and made a deep impact on the KW Community and beyond.

After this length of time we have only begun the battle for justice for the protection of all human life. MP Stephen Woodworth Kitchener Centre spoke eloquently and presented us with a plaque congratulating us for our 40 year achievements.

Other amazing speakers who spoke at the dinner were Jonathan Van Meran from the Canadian Centre for Bioethical Reform who explained his strategy of exposing the truth about abortion using pictures. He described that throughout history this technique succeeded in all the human rights violations involving personhood.

Simon Walley from Matercare International described his medical facilities that help African women deliver their babies safely and prevent the horrible effects of fistula in women without the benefit of good maternal care.

The Silent Auction brought in $883 alone plus we sold many Christmas cards. A good time was had by

Many Blessings for Christmas and the New Year!

Jane Richard, KWRTL President