We mourn the loss of over 3 1/2 million children aborted in Canada since 1970 Sunday, September 30th, 2012 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. In front of Grand River Hospital, 835 King Street West, Kitchener Bring your family and friends and hold a sign along King Street in silent prayer. A short memorial service […]
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We Need a Law

Canada has no abortion laws. Canada is the only country in the western world without abortion legislation. Only China and North Korea are in our company. The mission of WeNeedALaw.ca is to build a groundswell of support from across Canada for abortion legislation.
Stephen Woodworth (MP – Kitchener Centre) Tuesday, May 22 at 8:00pm in the Sanctuary Waterloo Pentecostal Assembly, 395 King St. N., Waterloo Stephen will speak about his Motion 312 calling for an investigation of the outdated Personhood Law (Criminal Code Section 223) in relation to current medical scientific evidence. Refreshments will be served. Presented by […]
Persephone was born premature this year at Grand River Hospital. Canadian law says that she was not a human being until she was born. Had she waited until her due date to be born, she would not have been considered a human being until then. Was Persephone not a human being all along? Does such […]

Video of Motion 312 Debate – Opening speeches only: Click below to download or listen to MP3 audio of the April 26 debate in the House of Commons of Motion 312: Motion 312 Debate – Opening Speeches Only – April 26, 2012 (MP3, 19:53, 19.1 MB) Motion 312 Debate – Full Hour of Debate – […]
Listen by clicking here: Stephen Woodworth – March 6th Priests for Life Radio [MP3, 8 MB]