Featured Motion 312

Persephone – A Person Before Her Due Date?

Persephone was born premature this year at Grand River Hospital. Canadian law says that she was not a human being until she was born. Had she waited until her due date to be born, she would not have been considered a human being until then. Was Persephone not a human being all along? Does such […]

Featured Motion 312 Section 223

Motion 312 Debate – Watch, Listen, or Read

Video of Motion 312 Debate – Opening speeches only: Click below to download or listen to MP3 audio of the April 26 debate in the House of Commons of Motion 312: Motion 312 Debate – Opening Speeches Only – April 26, 2012 (MP3, 19:53, 19.1 MB) Motion 312 Debate – Full Hour of Debate – […]

Motion 312 Section 223

Interview with Stephen Woodworth on Priests for Life Radio

Listen by clicking here: Stephen Woodworth – March 6th Priests for Life Radio [MP3, 8 MB]