
KW Right to Life Prayer Vigil January 28, 2017

About 70 people attended the KW Right to Life Candle-Light Prayer Vigil on January 28th, 2017 in the cold damp evening ….. 

Kitchener City Hall praying for Preborn Human Rights Jan. 28, 2017
Kitchener City Hall Praying for Preborn Human Rights Jan. 28, 2017

… pray and remember the millions of babies lost to abortion in Canada since the abortion law was struck down in 1988 leaving abortion on demand. Sixty people walked and prayed holding candles and signs (PREBORN HUMAN RIGHTS). They were joined at 7 pm by an additional 10 people for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction at nearby Our Lady of Sorrows Church.
We were met by a group of students from Emmanuel Bible College who prayed over us and blessed our endeavour.