
KW Right to Life Front Porch          

KW RTL is a non-profit charity for over 50 years years located at 215 Lancaster St. W. Kitchener ON. We advocate for the Protection of Human Rights for all from conception to natural deathWe provide information on all life issues: Prenatal development, Abortion, Infanticide, Euthanasia, Reproductive Technology and Healthy Life Styles                                                                                                                                                                Our Services include Counselling, Presentations, Literature Exhibits, Media interviews and Displays along with a good reference Library                                                                            There aredhundreds of requests yearly for our resources with an outreach and support to many thousands of individuals and members – many pregnancy calls for counselling yearly 

We support 7 other prolife groups like UW Students for Life and LaurierLifeLine students, Choice Chain with outreach that includes an annual bus trip to Ottawa for the March for Life  with 25,000 participants, many local prayer vigils, visits to schools – volunteer fairs  and various groups, bazaars, fundraisers and dinners – about 45  – 50 a year

We believe in freedom of speech, religion and conscience and the fundamental right upon which all other rights depend, the Right to Life

What is the unborn? Unborn babies are human and should have the status of personhood regardless of size, level of development, their environment and degree of dependency. None of these stages should change the value of the unborn child. Abortion is a human rights issue

Since January 28, 1988 Canada is 36 years without a law to protect the preborn child at any stage until birth. Ending life at its beginning by abortion is allowed for any reason including the gender of the baby.
Preborn babies are not the only victims of abortion. Mothers, fathers and family also share in the grief causing guilt, depression, substance abuse and even suicide.

The expanding occurrence of Mental Health issues are in media headlines as the Canadian Medical Association struggles to keep up with the demand to increase Mental Health services including suicide prevention.
Familly physicians are being trained to take on a bigger role.

Band-aid solutions like reducing pack sizes of pain killers do not address the real issues leading to increased substance abuse and suicide rates.
Ironically, the proposal of legalizing Marijuana complicates the need for psychological interventions for suicidal behaviour from substance abuse.

Being one’s own moral agent in life and death matters is being extended from abortion to legally ending a life through assisted suicide.
It is a spiritual poverty that creates a solution of killing. All kinds of pain and suffering need real solutions like improved palliative care that addresses alleviating physical, mental and spiritual pain.
Valuing human life and protecting it at all stages shows the beauty and importance of every person throughout the life cycle. It brings greater spiritual wealth to everyone.

Jane Richard
KW Right to Life President

KW RTL Newsletter Summer 2024
KW RTL Newsletter Spring 2024


  Unplanned: https://www.tribute.ca/trailers/unplanned/25252/                                                                                







Piano Arrangement Life Begins Created for KW RTL         by John Mason                    

KW Right to Life Presents The Value of the Unexamined Life https://www.facebook.com/kwrtl/videos/1747396385504285/